Elliott, Powell, Baden, and Baker is pleased to be recognized again this year as a top Portland Metro Area Commercial Insurance Brokerage by Portland Business Journal, ranking number eight.
“We are appreciative of the recognition we are receiving again this year by Portland Business Journal,” says EPB&B President Marc Baker, “and we thank our community for your business, support and trust.”
Way to go team!
We think #8 is great. (From Left, Personal Lines Manager Kim Hawkins, President Marc Baker, VP of Operations, Jill Perucca, and Producer, Derek Aldrich).
Backyard Celebrations: Does Your Insurance Have You Covered?
Time to check in on your personal insurance coverage. Graduation parties and summer holiday celebrations are here and that means our backyards are taking center stage. As you uncover the grills, hang the banners, and spruce up the patio furniture, remember to polish up your homeowners policy. Not to be a party pooper but accidents happens so make sure your insurance is adequate to protect you from mishaps that might arise.
Unexpected Slips, Trips, And Falls– Even the most well-manicured yard has little danger zones that might catch a guest unaware. Uneven surfaces, gaps in pool surrounds and dimly lit walkways can cause a guest to trip and fall. Your homeowner’s policy will cover legal and medical bills that may arise, but depending on your assets, ask your agent about an umbrella policy as it offers higher levels of protection in the case of a lawsuit.
Libation Liability. It is the hope of any host that partygoers will have fun and drink responsibly, but alcohol continues to be one of the biggest liabilities for a host. Be aware that as a host, you might be held responsible if a guest who has been drinking at your event drives and gets in an accident on the way home. Offer non-alcoholic beverages and if you see a guest has imbibed a bit too much please arrange for them to get home safely. For added protection, ask your agent about adding specific coverage for liquor liability for your event.
Open Flames. Grilling burgers on the BBQ, enjoying a beverage by the firepit, and celebrating with sparklers means open flames are often a part of any backyard party. If a party guest is injured by a fire, a homeowner must ensure they have enough converge to pay not only for medical bills but any legal bills that might arise.
Chances are your backyard bash will go off without a hitch, but take precautions to protect not only your guests but yourself from any unexpected celebration snafus.
The team at Elliott, Powell, Baden, and Baker is here to help you find the right coverage for your backyard celebrations this summer.
Whether you are celebrating Grads, Dads or the Declaration of Independence. Wishing you a festive and safe summer.
EPB&B Joins Project Never Again In Caring Card Event
At Elliott, Powell, Baden, and Baker, we know a good cause when we see one, and Project Never Again is always at the top of our list. Last weekend our team jumped at the chance to participate in Project Never Again’s Courage Card event.
This year Project Never Again will be sending out 5,000 duffel bags to the Oregon Child Welfare System and Oregon Youth Authority statewide. In these bags, children will find Courage Cards waiting for them. These cards are handwritten personalized cards made by volunteers that stand to inspire children as they live through their foster experience.
“It was a great day,” says Personal Lines Account Manager, Donna Jones of the event. “It was such a nice feeling to be able to write inspirational cards for these amazing, strong kids.”
Close to ten thousand children are currently in the Oregon Foster Care system, with four thousand of those being between the age of 0-5 years old. Due to limited resources, most children are removed from their homes with their belongings in trash bags. And that is where Project Never Again comes in with its sole mission to help children avoid the humiliation that comes from such an experience.
The EPB&B team showing support for Project Never Again, by supporting their mission of providing “dignity through duffels” to youth in the foster care system.Linda Rentfrow, EPB&B Sales Manager, having some fun (and a lot of coffee) .Olivia Astrue, EPB&B Personal Lines Account Manager, creating a message of strength and hope. There is serious concentration happening here! Personal Lines team members, Lori Dryer, Donna Jones, and Melissa Hedden. Thank you to everyone who participating in Project Never Again’s Courage Card Event. You make a difference.
At Elliott, Powell Baden and Baker, we know that a successful business relies on happy, healthy employees. And this month, as we focus on mental health, it is important to take a look at the role the workplace plays in a person’s mental well-being. Having a productive job is important for mental health, it gives a sense of accomplishment, purpose, and connection, but an unhealthy workplace can be detrimental to a person’s physical and mental health. Issues such as workload imbalance, harassment, and poor work relationships can play a role in depression and anxiety which in turn can lead to poor productivity and increased absenteeism in the workplace.
With one in five people being affected by a mental illness, as employers, it is important to foster not only a healthy work environment but one that is also open to discussions on mental health issues. Sound overwhelming? It doesn’t need to be. There are many resources available to help employers set in motion a plan for creating a workplace for health well being.
Start here on the path to making a positive change in your workplace, and supporting your team in living a happy, healthy life.
Inviting employee input in business decisions can improve buy-in and participation in company initiatives.
May is Mental Health Awareness month. According to the Center For Disease Control and Prevention, one in five people will experience a mental health illness in their lifetime and two-thirds of those diagnosed will not seek treatment for their mental illness.
Although taking care of your mental health is important on a daily basis, there are many factors that can contribute to a mental illness, such as life challenges, brain chemistry, substance abuse, and feelings of isolation (something so many of us can relate to the past few years).
This month at EPB&B we want to help spread the word about the resources available to those who struggle, or have a love one who struggles, with mental illness. From warning signs and symptoms, screening tools, and support networks, help is available. And if you or a loved one are having thoughts of suicide, please call the Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255 or call 911.
If you or someone you care about needs help to cope with life’s challenges, you are not alone.
Who wants more energy? Kids, careers, carpools, friends, family, yard work, hobbies, not to mention the ongoing stress of world events; It takes a lot of energy to keep all the balls in the air. But there are some simple lifestyle changes that you can implement now that can make a noticeable impact on your daily energy level.
We have all heard eating right and getting enough rest is imperative for recharging our batteries, and although I highly recommended it, I’m also aware it can be easier said than done. I suggest baby steps. Making one change in your routine can make a big difference. Try one of these this week and see if it works for you.
1. Drink More Water. Too easy? Most Americans are chronically dehydrated, which is telling as the human body is comprised of 60% water. Lack of water to fuel your body and brain can lead to fatigue and brain fog.
Quick Tip: Before you reach for another cup of coffee or your favorite soda, drink a glass of water first. It can add up.
2. Move Your Body. It sounds counterintuitive when you are tired and I am not suggesting an hour-long sweat-fest in the gym. Our bodies want to move and that is challenging for those who have jobs that require a lot of desk time. However, even small amounts of movement throughout the day will give an energy boost, so make an effort to sneak it in.
Quick Tip. Set an alarm on your phone or smartwatch as a reminder to get up and move, preferably once an hour. A walk around the block, up the stairs, or to the water cooler (see how I did that?).
3. Fuel Your Creative Side. Find something you enjoy where just the thought of it gets you excited. Having an activity, such as a painting class, learning to play the guitar, or mastering a down-dog, to look forward to will give you an extra boost to get through the day.
Quick Tip: Make a date, put it on your calendar and do it.
4. Get Rid Of Draining Relationships. Okay, maybe this one isn’t so simple, but you know the ones I’m talking about, the people you spend so much time trying to avoid they suck the energy right out of you,
Quick Tip: If ending a relationship is too drastic, try shifting one aspect of that relationship such as blocking their social media or limiting texting time, then take that time and connect with someone who fills your tank.
Making even one of the changes described here can be just enough to take you from pooped out to pumped up so give one a try.
Sherri Sacconaghi, Creative Consultant for EPB&B is a former Health and Fitness Coach.
Get To Know EPB&B’s New Personal Lines Manager, Kim Hawkins
Elliott, Powell, Baden and Baker is please to welcome Kim Hawkins to the team as our New Personal Lines Manager. Kim has been working in the insurance industry for twelve years, and we asked her to share a little bit about her experience, her career path, and her life outside of the office.
What is it that you likeabout working in the insurance industry? I love the people! You’ll never find a group of professionals who are better at problem-solving, risk management, and making interesting conversations than insurance people. On the other side of that, I love that when someone is having their worst day, whether it be a fire, vehicle accident, flood, or any other life-changing moment that no one hopes to encounter, we get to be there to guide them through that.
What made you choose to make EPB&B the next step in your career path? After working with a National large insurance company, I quickly realized that bigger isn’t always better. What EPB&B has done over their many years is create a large insurance agency with a hometown feel because it IS our hometown. Our children go to the same schools, we fight the same traffic and rising housing costs, we root for the same sports teams (mostly) and we volunteer at the same places as our clients. We know are confident in asking the right questions because we know our clients and their needs. EPB&B values relationships more than having multiple offices across the country and for that, we are able to continue growing and become an bigger asset to our clients.
Any fun facts that you could share to help people get to know you a bit? I’m married to my brilliant and witty husband and together we have 3 children, 2 dogs, and a horse. I spend most of my free time with my children at their various school events, trail riding, wine tasting with friends, and binge-watching shows on Netflix.