This past weekend, nine EPB&B employees headed out to tackle the 128 mile Portland To Coast relay, otherwise known as the most popular and largest walking relay race in the world, annually drawing participants from over 40 countries and all 50 states.
This is the first year EPB&B has had a team enter the relay, thanks to the organizational efforts of Personnel Lines Account Manager Donna Jones.
I wanted to start an EPB&B Walking Team for Portland to Coast to help support all Cancers,” explains Donna. “Being a survivor, I had joined a friend’s team last year for Portland to Coast, but our vehicle broke down and we did not get to finish. I learned a lot about this event from my friend and knowing that several people in the office has either battled cancer, or has a family member, friend or loved one that has battled some form of cancer, I thought it would be great to form an EPB&B team as a show of support.”
And walking was not required to join the fun, and several employees served as volunteers on the course, providing support, and guidance for the walkers.
Following the race the team celebrated at a Seaside beach house for a taco bar, treats and team bonding.
“This was an item on my bucket list,” says Commercial Lines Account Manager Leeann Harmon, “and completing the relay walk with our team was extra special. Great team and support!“
“This was such an amazing office team building experience,” adds Commercial Lines Account Manager Tina DeHut. “Lots of fun and spending time getting to know others that you don’t normally work with daily. What an adventure!”