
EPB&B Welcomes A New  Member To The Commercial Lines Team

We love welcoming new members our ever evolving team at Elliott, Powell, Baden and Baker. This week we are happy to introduce the newest member, Rose Petersen, who is joining the Commercial Lines Team as a Commercial Lines Assistant. With a passion for helping people, emphasis on teamwork and a desire for learning, Rose makes a natural fit within the EPB&B team. Here is more about Rose’s experience, interests and love of live music.

1. What is your background in the insurance industry? As far as industry experience goes, I’m a little green. I started contracting with Providence a year ago for in-home medical equipment referrals and found reward in mastering my role and getting life-saving equipment to people who needed it. I also took great pride in being able to train new colleagues – I helped build a fantastic team that operated like a well spun spider’s web. I am so looking forward to finding that here at EPB&B as well. 

2.  What do you look forward to most about working in the insurance industry? I used to work directly with patients in hospice care as well as their families, and I found it incredibly rewarding to ease their way when I could. Especially in healthcare, the processes can be confusing and treacherous for patients and families to navigate – I felt like a hero when I could simplify those processes and get people the treatments they deserved. Helping others is a ubiquitous part of my identity, and I’m grateful I can exercise it here. 

3.  What made you choose EPB&B as the next step in your career path? It appears that EPB&B has no ceiling as far as growth goes. It was immediately apparent that they wanted to invest in me as a part of their future, which means so much more than signing a paycheck to me. I am incredibly excited to get to work with this company and the kind people here. 

4. Is there anything you’d like to share to allow people to get to know more about you? I love to play pool! It’s how I met my husband, but it’s not the only sport we shoot – I have a compound bow, and he’s got a lever action that we take out for target practice, weather permitting. Lately, we’ve been camping near hike-able hot springs and falls. I also play piano and sing a mean karaoke game. Most of all, I love to dance and go to see live music whenever I can – quarantine was insufferable without concerts and night clubs.  If you could – and you can’t – sum me up in 3 words, they would be: short, smart, and sanguine. I approach life with a smile on my face and a curiosity that nearby cats even flee from (except my own).

Welcome to the team Rose.


Meet EPB&B’s Newest Team Member, Amanda McMillen.

We are pleased to introduce EPB&B’s newest team member, Producer, Amanda McMillen.  Bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience in the insurance industry, we are excited to have Amanda as part of the team.  Here is a little bit more about Amanda McMilllen: 

  1. What is your background in the Insurance Industry?  Holy cow! I just realized I’ve been in insurance for 17 years now! Good grief time really does fly when you are having fun. I hold a property and casualty insurance license and I have specialized in insuring commercial real estate for the bulk of my career.  My process includes the development of a proactive risk management program to address the risks and drive down the costs associated.  I do more than just procure an insurance policy; I offer a plan and a strategy that protects my client’s most important interests.  
  1. What is it that you like about working in the industry?  The people.  Making connections and building relationships truly feeds my soul.  I also love the education piece of my job.  Insurance can be confusing and scary and I find it incredibly fulfilling when I can empower my clients through education.  
  1. What makes EPB&B the next stop for you on your career path? I was looking for a home and within the first 5 minutes of my interview at EPB&B I knew that I had finally found it.
  1. Anything you would like to share that will help others get to know you a little bit better?  I am an Oregon native, and I have a BS degree from OSU, GO BEAVS!  I love animals and have spent years volunteering for various animal rescue organizations.  I love to laugh, and I can be just a hair sarcastic from time to time!

Welcome to the team Amanda.


Hot Weather Alert: Four Ways To Keep Your Dog Safe In The Heat 

The forecast says it is about to heat up, and it is imperative to take safety precautions for yourselves and your loved ones, including your furry friends.  While long walks, frisbee fetching  and dog park visits are part of summer fun, adjustments must be made to keep your dog safe and healthy when the temperature heats up.  

  1. Please Leave Your Pet at Home.  It is tempting to make a quick run to the store after an outing to the dog park, but even five minutes in a warm car can be dangerous to your pet.  Even when it is  70 degrees outside, the interior of a car can reach over 100 degrees within minutes, even with the windows rolled down.  Please don’t do it.  Protect your pet and others by knowing What to do when you see a  dog in a hot car.
  2.  Walk Early and Late:  Plan to take your dog for a walk early in the morning or late in the evening to avoid the hottest part of the day.  Check hard surfaces such as asphalt.  If it is too hot for your feet, it is too hot for their paws.  Choose shady routes and grassy areas for walks and play. 
  3. Drink Up.  Just like humans, water is critical for the health of a dog.  Especially in hot weather.  Make sure to keep Fido’s water bowl full at all times, and when out and about, bring your own water and a collapsable bowl for frequent breaks along the way. 
  4. Don’t Forget the SPF.  Yes, some dogs need sunscreen too. Dogs with thin hair and exposed skin are prone to sunburn.  So after you lather up your own body, keep Rover protected too with his own sunscreen.

 Heat-related illness can happen before you know it.  Keep yourself safe so you can keep your furry friend healthy and happy too. 

If the ground is too hot for your feet, it is too hot for their paws. Stick to grassy, shaded areas on hot days.

Who says there is no “free lunch”?

Elliott, Powell, Baden & Baker sponsored an office lunch with yummy food from The Local Grind. Each time we write a large account, we celebrate the Producer and Account Manager with a special lunch for the entire office. Congratulations to Noah Baker & Jeanette Simmons. It was great to see folks we haven’t seen in a while and enjoy some great Hawaiian food together.


EPB&B once again named Top Workplace in Oregon

Last night EPB&B was once again named one of Oregon’s Top Workplaces. During the virtual ceremony held via Zoom, we found out that we came in at #29 on the list of small employers with less than 100 employees. We are beyond grateful that our employees are happy because happy employees made a productive workplace.

Marc Baker shows off the 2020 Top Workplaces Award