
What to do after you have been involved in a auto collision in Oregon

Most people purchase auto insurance in Oregon hoping they will never need it but in the unfortunate event of a car accident, being properly covered can help mitigate the stress and cost involved in a collision. The team at EPB&B insurance can help you put the right coverage in place and be by your side to guide you during the post-collision process. Knowing the basic steps in advance of a potential car accident can help you stay calm and take the steps necessary to protect yourself.

1. Ensure Safety

  • Check for Injuries: Immediately check yourself and passengers for injuries. If anyone is injured, call 911 for medical assistance.
  • Move to Safety: If the vehicles are drivable, move them to the side of the road to prevent further accidents. Turn on your hazard lights.

2. Call the Authorities

  • Police: Call the police, especially if there are injuries, significant damage, or if the other driver is uncooperative. A police report can be crucial for insurance claims.
  • Exchange Information: While waiting for the police, exchange information with the other driver(s), including:
    • Names
    • Contact information
    • Driver’s license numbers
    • License plate numbers
    • Insurance information
    • Make and model of the vehicles

3. Document the Scene

  • Photos: Take photos of the accident scene, vehicle damage, and any visible injuries. Include different angles and relevant details.
  • Notes: Write down the details of the accident, including the time, date, location, weather conditions, and any other pertinent information.

4. Witnesses

  • Collect Information: If there are witnesses, get their names and contact information. Their statements can be helpful for the police report and insurance claims.

5. Notify Your Insurance Company

  • Report the Accident: Contact your insurance company as soon as possible to report the accident and provide them with all the collected information.
  • Claim Process: Follow their instructions for filing a claim. Provide all necessary documentation and cooperate fully with the claims adjuster.

6. Medical Attention

  • Seek Medical Help: Even if you don’t feel injured, it’s a good idea to see a doctor as some injuries may not be immediately apparent.
  • Keep Records: Keep all medical records and bills related to the accident.

7. Legal Advice

  • Consult a Lawyer: If there are serious injuries, disputes about fault, or complex insurance issues, consider consulting with a personal injury attorney to understand your rights and options.

8. Follow-Up

  • Repair Estimates: Get repair estimates for your vehicle from reputable mechanics or body shops.
  • Follow Up with Insurance: Stay in contact with your insurance company to ensure the claim is processed smoothly.

Things to Avoid

  • Do Not Admit Fault: Be honest with the police and your insurance company, but avoid admitting fault at the scene. Fault determination will be handled by the authorities and insurance companies.
  • Avoid Anger: Stay calm and avoid confrontations with the other driver(s).

By following these steps, you can ensure your safety, comply with legal requirements, and protect your rights in the event of an auto accident.

Being involved in a car accident is not something you plan for, but have the proper auto insurance in place will help make the post collision process easier and less expensive. Contact the team at EPB&B Insurance to find the right auto insurance to protect you, your family and your automobile.


The Importance of Boat Insurance: Protecting Your Watercraft and Peace of Mind

Surrounded by a multitude of lakes and rivers, and oceans, Portland, Oregon is a popular place for boating enthusiasts. However, owning a boat also comes with responsibilities, including the need for boat insurance. Boat insurance offers essential protection for your watercraft and ensures your peace of mind and team at EPB&B Insurance knows the unique needs of boat ownership.  Here are four things every boat owner should consider:  

  • Protection for Your Investment:  Boats are valuable assets that often require a significant financial investment. Boat insurance safeguards this investment by providing coverage against various risks and perils. Whether your boat is damaged due to a collision, fire, theft, vandalism, or severe weather conditions, a boat insurance policy could help cover the cost of repairs or replacement. Without adequate insurance, owners could face substantial financial losses, potentially leading to financial strain or even the inability to replace their watercraft.

  • Liability Coverage. Boat insurance not only protects your own property but also provides liability coverage. Accidents can happen, and if your boat causes damage to another vessel or property or injures someone, you could be held liable for the associated expenses. Liability coverage within boat insurance helps protect you from the financial burden of legal claims, medical bills, or property damage caused by your watercraft. This coverage extends beyond accidents involving other boats and can also include coverage for injuries sustained by passengers onboard your vessel.

  • Additional Coverage Options. Boat insurance policies often offer additional coverage options that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of boat owners. These may include coverage for personal belongings on board, towing and assistance services, coverage for fuel spills and environmental damage, and even coverage for fishing equipment or trailers. By selecting the appropriate coverage options, boat owners can customize their insurance policy to address their unique requirements, ensuring comprehensive protection for their boats and related assets.

  • Peace of Mind. One of the most significant benefits of boat insurance is the peace of mind it provides. Knowing that your investment and personal liability are adequately protected allows you to enjoy your time on the water without constant worry about potential risks and accidents. Whether you’re cruising, fishing, or participating in water sports, having boat insurance ensures that you can fully appreciate your outing, knowing that you have a financial safety net in case of unforeseen circumstances. 

Boat insurance is a crucial aspect of responsible boat ownership. It safeguards your investment, protects against liability claims, offers customizable coverage options, and provides peace of mind. By investing in boat insurance, you actively mitigate the financial risks associated with boat ownership and help make your time on the water worry-free. As you set sail on your next boating adventure, remember that boat insurance is a wise financial decision and an essential component of being a responsible and conscientious boater.

Surrounded by a multitude of lakes and rivers, the Portland, Oregon based team at EPB&B Insurance knows the unique needs of boat ownership. Contact Us to find the right insurance to fit your needs. 


How Oregon Homeowners Insurance can protect you from firework damage

Snap, Crackle, Boom, the Fourth of July week is here, meaning sparklers and and fountains will be aflame in Oregon. Although festive and fun, fireworks can be dangerous and cause unwanted damage to one’s property and person. Proper Homeowners Insurance  is crucial.  If fireworks are used near your home, your house and property (and possibly that of your neighbors) are exposed to a risk of fire damage and you, your family, and your guests are vulnerable to injury. 

In Oregon, homeowners insurance typically covers damage caused by fire, including fires started by legal fireworks.  Here is how Homeowners insurance in Oregon can help protect you:

  1. Dwelling Coverage: This part of your policy typically covers damage to the structure of your home. For example, if a legal firework, such as a wayward firework, lands on your roof and causes a fire that damages your home, this coverage would usually apply.
  2. Personal Property Coverage: This policy covers your personal belongings inside the home. If a fire caused by legal fireworks damages your personal property, this coverage can help pay for the replacement or repair of those items.
  3. Liability Coverage:  If a guest or neighbor suffers an injury caused by unintentional actions involving fireworks, your policy’s liability coverage may help cover medical expenses and legal fees if necessary. 
  4. Exclusions and Limitations:  Homeowners insurance policies have exclusions or limitations. Always refer to your insurance contract for these items.  Examples of exclusions could include illegal acts or injury to a resident or family member.

To determine if you have the coverage you need, contact our team to review your homeowners insurance policy. This proactive step will empower you with the knowledge of what is and isn’t covered regarding fireworks-related damage, giving you peace of mind so you can relax and celebrate safely this holiday.