“I want to be a doctor, a basketball player, a teacher, an insurance agent. “ Well, that last one isn’t exactly an often uttered sentiment. But at Elliott, Powell, Baden and Baker we think it could be. That is why we have developed a program that allows people looking for a career path to give insurance a chance.
“We have developed a program over time that has given those looking for a new career to see if insurance is a good fit for them,” says EPB&B President Marc Baker,. “It gives a person insight into the different opportunities available to them within our agency and the industry.”
The program has been so successful, EPB&B has seen a retention rate of over 80% and currently has seven team members who have successfully transitioned from an entry position as the Vice President of First Impressions, aka the receptionist, to other positions within EPB&B.
Where are they now? Here are our current team members who began their career at EPB&B at the front desk. If you are interested in starting a career in insurance contact Charte@epbb.com.