Identity theft insurance can help you if you have unauthorized charges on your account, a credit card bill missing from the mail, or a loan or credit application being denied despite your good credit. Any of these could be a sign your identity has been stolen.
At Elliott, Powell, Baden, and Baker we have shared ways you can protect yourself from common inroads used by criminals and measures companies should take to avoid data breach exposing your personal information, but despite the best due diligence, Identity theft continues to be a real threat. If you suspect you have fallen victim to identity theft, the most important thing is to act fast.
- Call Your Credit Card Company. The moment you notice obscure charges on your bill call your credit card company. If contacted within 60 days of the fraudulent charges most companies will refund your money and send you a new card.
- Contact The FTC. The Federal Trade Commission will walk you through the steps of the recovery process, help you complete all relevant reports and forms, and develop a plan for protection moving forward.
- File A Police Report. When you file a report with the police, give them as much information as possible such as copies of relevant bills and credit reports, and communications (with irrelevant information blacked out). Make sure to obtain a copy of the filed police report to show to your creditors during the recovery process.
Being a victim of identity theft can be frightening, and overwhelming. Be diligent in your financial oversight by checking your accounts and charges at least once a week if not more, taking measures to protect your social security number, and familiarize yourself with the warning signs of identity theft.
For more information about adding Identity Theft coverage to your existing insurance policy, please contact the EPB&B Personal Lines Team at