
Protect Yourself From Cybercriminals

Today, due to the Coronavirus, millions of more people are working from home. Although it cut out the morning commute, it has left many at risk of a bigger jam. Cyberattacks. Working from home has intertwined our work and personal life, leaving us vulnerable to very aggressive (and sneaky) cyber criminals trying to access our information. Now more than ever, it is essential to take steps to protect yourself, both professionally and on the homefront. 

1.  Passwords, Passwords, Passwords. * Thirty-seven percent of data breaches are related to weak and old passwords. Cybercriminals can find the patterns and know the tricks ( such as adding a number at the end of your well-used password). Ask yourself when the last time you changed your password, especially your social media accounts, which are a significant entry point for cybercriminals. If the answer is more than six months ago. Change it.

2. Beware of Public Wi-Fi. Think of public Wi-Fi as a video camera at a box store; using it leaves your online activities open to being watched by cybercriminals. It is a good idea to disable auto-connect on your device, so you are not automatically joining a cybercriminal created Wi-Fi SID and use your hotspot from your mobile device over public Wi-Fi whenever possible.  

3.  Don’t Take the Bait. One-third of us will click on malicious links. Please use caution before clicking on suspicious links, especially on social media and messaging. And especially now, with the holiday shopping season in full swing, our inboxes are flooded with suspicious ads. When you receive a link, think, why am I getting this, and do I recognize the sender? When in doubt, don’t click. 

Cybercriminals do not discriminate. They will attack the CEO at a Fortune 500 or a twelve-year-old playing on their Xbox. At EPB&B, we can help you take the necessary steps to find the right insurance for your business.

*Data from 2020 Verizon Data Breach Report

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