Several factors determine how much you will pay for car insurance—from the type of coverage you have to your driving record to where you park your car. While not all companies use the same parameters, here’s a list of what commonly determines the bottom line on your auto policy. These factors vary depending on the insurance company and the specific policy, but common ones include:
- Driving record: Your driving history, including accidents, tickets, and other violations, significantly impacts your insurance premium. A clean driving record typically leads to lower rates.
- Age and gender: Younger drivers, especially teenagers, generally pay higher premiums due to their lack of driving experience. On the flip side, olde seniors also may see a rate increase due to increased accident risk. Gender can also be a factor, as statistics show that young males are more likely to be involved in accidents compared to young females.
- Vehicle type: The make, model, year, and safety features of your car influence your insurance premium. Expensive or high-performance vehicles usually cost more to insure because they’re more costly to repair or replace.
- Location: Where you live affects your insurance rates. Urban areas with higher traffic congestion and crime rates may have higher premiums compared to rural areas.
- Coverage level: The extent of coverage you choose affects your premium. Liability coverage is typically the minimum required by law, but additional coverage options such as collision, comprehensive, and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage will increase your premium.
- Credit/Insurance score: In some states and for some insurance companies, your credit/insurance score can impact your premium. Studies have shown a correlation between credit score and the likelihood of filing insurance claims.
- Annual mileage: The more you drive, the higher your risk of being involved in an accident. Insurance companies may ask for your estimated annual mileage to determine your premium.
- Prior insurance coverage: Having continuous insurance coverage without lapses can lead to lower rates, as it demonstrates responsibility and reduces the likelihood of insurance claims.
- Additional drivers: Adding other drivers to your policy, such as teenagers or individuals with poor driving records, can increase your premium.

Remember, each insurance company weighs these factors differently, and at EPB&B our team of professionals is knowledgeable about various auto insurance products and can provide personalized advice based on your specific needs and circumstances. We can help you understand different coverage options, policy terms, and discounts available, ensuring you make informed decisions.