You can feel it coming; summer’s long warm days slowly fade into cooler mornings and darker nights. Autumn is here, and with it comes some additional hazards that make driving tricky requiring some extra attention .

- Children. With school back in session, be extra mindful of school zones where kids may be walking to and from school. Although you may see them, they may not see you, making their actions unpredictable. Be on the defensive and go slowly.
- Darkness. It is getting darker earlier these days and with the end of daylight savings time on November 6, 2022, time spent driving in the dark will only increase. According to the National Safety Council 50% of traffic deaths occur at night.
- Foliage. A favorite part of Fall is watching the leaves turn from green to beautiful golden hues, but eventually, they must fall, and when they do, they will litter the road. When leaves become wet, they create a slick mat that can be as slippery as a patch of ice.
- Wildlife. Fall is a mating season for many forms of wildlike, especially deer. Drivers are 3.5 times more likely to hit a deer in November than any other month (1 in 100 in Oregon). Be particularly aware when driving at dusk and dawn when deer are on the move.
Please se be cautious and aware and together we can keep each other safe while on the road.
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