It looks as if this holiday season will be closer to pre-COVID-level festivities than in the recent past. For some of us, we are ready to deck the halls and shop the malls, for others the holidays can bring with it a wide array of emotions like anxiety and loneliness. Regardless of your holiday agenda for next couple of months, make sure your plans include taking care of yourself.
- Find An Outlet For Stress. With the current events nationally and globally, life is difficult enough for everyone at the moment, and for many, the holidays can add to that stress. Now more than ever, it is important to take the tie in your day to do something that lifts your spirits. Studies have shown that exercise, connecting with a friend or giving back to others boosts your feel-good hormone serotonin. Then, of course, there is always chocolate.
- Say NO to perfectionism. Cooking the perfect meal, hosting the perfect, party, finding the perfect gift. Talk about stress. This holiday ease up on yourself, no one expects perfection, in fact, a little mishap here and there always makes for great stories for years to come.
- Slow Down. With restrictions mainly lifted this year, there are so many more options for attending events and social gatherings, and you may feel the pull to make up for lost years. This can make you feel burnt out and exhausted. Instead, prioritize the events that mean the most to you so you can attend them feeling refreshed and engaged and maybe even the life of the party.
Whether you plan on parties and pie baking or couch lounging and Hallmark movies, do what makes you feel happy and fulfilled this holiday season.