As business at Elliott, Powell, Baden and Baker continues to thrive we keep the needs of our customers on the forefront . Our ability to be innovative, responsive and nimble is a key component to our success and that is largely due to our top notch IT department. At EPB&B we are committed to having internal IT support instead of being third party dependent for our information technology. This week we welcome Jarrett Eggenberger as our first ever IT Assistant. Jarrett will be joining our magical IT Manager (aka, King of IT), Jeff Bruss and together they will continue to keep our technology and our team fast, and efficient. Here is more about Jarrett, his background and his wine IQ.
- What is your background in IT? This is my first job as an IT professional, but I have worked closely with computers for most of my life. My father worked for Intel while I was growing up, so I was constantly using, building, maintaining, installing, and learning all of the latest technologies and the language around them. I am very excited to finally be working with computers and using the knowledge I have gained over the years to help others. I am still new to the field, however, so I have much to learn and am looking forward to the challenge.
- What do you like most about working in the field of IT? Helping people is something I feel passionate about, and while I won’t be helping anyone solve the world’s problems, I believe working as an IT professional will help satisfy that passion. I also derive joy from problem-solving, which is a very big part of this position.
- What made you choose EPB&B as the next step in your career path? I believe EPB&B holds the values of integrity, respect, and community that align with my own values and who I want to be in this life.
- Is there anything you’d like to share to allow people know more about you? My last career was in the wine industry, so I’m your guy if you ever want to know more about wine or how to pair a wine with a meal.
Welcome to our team Jarrett.