When the team at Elliott Powell, Baden, and Baker learned about the Portland area non-profit Howard’s Heart , we wanted to be a part of supporting their mission. Today we are pleased to be a Presenting Sponsor at their Summer Kickoff Fundraiser and Auction held June 10, 2023.
As teens in the foster system grow, their needs grow with them, and that is where Portland area non profit Howards Heart comes in. Providing School supplies, college application fees, and extracurricular activities all cost time and money that many vulnerable teens and families find beyond their reach.
The team at Howard’s Heart works in tandem with teens, youth, and their team members, including caseworkers, mentors, foster and bio parents, attorneys, and CASAs to identify where they need extra support; they work to fill their wishes within our community through fundraising and making connections with fellow non-profits.
Howard’s Heart strives to go beyond the basics, working to connect teens with scholarships and financial assistance for summer camps, occupational internships, and extracurricular courses in an effort to help students explore their interests and passions.
“We first became aware of Howard’s Heart last year through the glowing review from Seema Steffany, Founder of Project Never Again, “explains EPB&B President Marc Baker. “Both organizations work tirelessly to help support kids in our state foster care system, and being that May is National Foster Care Month, it seemed like perfect timing to support a grassroots organization that is making a difference like Howard’s Heart”.

The EPB&B team President, Marc Baker; Personal Lines Account Manager, Olivia Astrue and; VP Of Operations, Jill Perucca, present a check to Founding Director oF Howard’s Heart, Amy Bunker (L) who named the organization after her grandfather, Howard.