We are please to introduce Jessica Volk, our new Commercial Lines Account Manager at Elliott, Powell, Baden and Baker, Inc. Her experience, coupled with her passion for building strong customer relationships, make Jessica a perfect fit for our team. Here is a little bit more about Jessica’s experience, career path and life outside the office.
- What is your background in the insurance industry? I have 8 years of experience in insurance. Starting as an administrative assistant and working my way to being an account manager. My background in insurance has primarily been habitational and am looking forward to working on everything.
- What is it that you like about working in the industry? I am someone who welcomes change. I appreciate how the industry is always changing. I love talking with people and building relationships. There’s something special in the way that someone can trust your abilities to do right by them without knowing them at first.
- What made you choose EPB&B as the next stop for you on your career path? The second I walked in the doors to EPB&B, I knew this is where I wanted to be. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming. The work that this company does for the community also blew me away. Not only writing business of local companies, but also giving back to the community. This is definitely a special place.
- Anything you would like to share that will help others get to know you a little bit better? I have two young girls that keep me busy and on my toes. Spring is my favorite season. Not only because the flowers are blooming, but also because it’s softball season. You will see me outside on a softball field during the spring as I coach JV softball at Jesuit High School.
Welcome to the team Jessica.

Jessica Volk,
Commercial Lines Account Manager