
Three reasons to review your personal insurance annually

Like many Americans, cleaning up your diet or finding your dream job might be at the top of your resolutions list in 2025, but when setting goals, don’t forget about your Home and Auto insurance. Many life events can change in a year and it is easy to go on autopilot when it comes to renewal time; Contact the team ant Elliott, Powell, Baden and Baker for a simple policy review that can help protect you and your family should the new year bring big changes or an unexpected occurrence.

  • Be Ready For the Road. One of the biggest mistakes someone can make regarding auto insurance is being underinsured. Though most states require a minimum for liability insurance, In Oregon
    the minimum limit is $25,000 of coverage per person/$50,000 per accident, many accidents cost far more. While price is important so is making sure you are covered properly. Take a look at your policy and make sure your coverages are high enough to protect you in case of an accident. 
  • Homeowner’s Makeover. Did you remodel your kitchen this past year? With he world opening up and more people visiting one another, maybe you finally finished that long-awaited additional bathroom. Upgrades and additions can increase the value of your home so if you gave your home a makeover, chances are your homeowner’s insurance coverages need one as well. 
  •  Don’t Forget An Umbrella. Let’s say your protective pup bites the delivery person, or an exuberant child tumbles off your trampoline during a playdate. Unexpected things can happen and often times those accidents will exceed your current insurance coverage. Consider adding umbrella policy if you:
  1. Drive a car/own a home
  2. Own a dog
  3. Have a swimming pool or trampoline
  4. Coach Youth Sports
  5. Travel. 

Think of an Umbrella policy as a safety net protecting you and the things you cherish. 

A middle aged couple reviewing paperwork.

A lot can happen in a year that can have huge effects on your insurance costs, coverage options, limitations, and more.

  • Children leaving home/empty nest/child off to college
  • Starting a new job
  • Starting a new business
  • Starting a family/birth or adoption of a child
  • Bringing aging parents into your home
  • Purchase or receipt of an expensive gift
  • Death in your immediate family
  • Paying off your mortgage

Navigating insurance coverages can be tricky, but the experienced team at EPB&B can help review your homeowners and auto insurance coverages and find the right fit for you.

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