
7 essential tips to disaster proof your Homeowners Insurance

If disaster strikes your home in Oregon, you will need homeowners insurance coverage to help you rebuild, repair and replace the damage that occurred.  As you deal with the uncertainty and stress of recovery, the last thing you need to is try and wade through insurance process wondering if and how your home with be protected from loss.  Take action now. Let the team at EPB&B help you you evaluate your coverage and guide you through the insurance process before disaster strikes.  Here are seven ways to be proactive in protecting you and your home. 

  1. Review Your Policy: Carefully review your homeowners insurance policy to understand what types of damages are covered, and the specific coverage limits and deductibles that apply to your personal property.
  2. Document Your Belongings: Create a home inventory documenting all of your personal belongings, including furniture, electronics, appliances, clothing, jewelry, and other valuable items. Take photos or videos of each item, and keep receipts or records of purchase prices if available. Store this inventory in a safe place, such as a fireproof safe or an off-site location, so you can easily access it in the event of a diaster.
  3. Update Your Coverage Limits: If your current coverage limits for personal property are insufficient to replace all of your belongings in the event of a total loss, consider increasing your coverage limits. The EPB&B team can help you determine the appropriate coverage levels based on the value of your belongings.
  4. Consider Scheduled Personal Property Coverage: If you have high-value items such as jewelry, art, or collectibles, consider adding scheduled personal property coverage to your policy. This provides additional coverage for specific items that may exceed the standard limits of your policy.
  5. Understand Coverage Exclusions: Be aware of any exclusions or limitations in your policy regarding coverage for specific types of belongings or circumstances. For example, some policies may have limits on coverage for business equipment or recreational vehicles stored on your property.
  6. Maintain Documentation: Keep records of your insurance policy, including contact information for your insurance company or agent, policy numbers, and any endorsements or riders that modify your coverage. Make sure you know how to file a claim and understand the claims process in case you need to make a claim for  damage to your belongings.
  7. Regularly Review and Update Your Policy: Periodically review your homeowners insurance policy to ensure that your coverage adequately protects your belongings and reflects any changes in your circumstances, such as home renovations, additions to your personal property, or changes in the value of your belongings.

By taking these steps, you can increase the chances that your belongings are adequately covered in the event they are damaged by a natural disaster, providing you with peace of mind and financial protection during a challenging time.

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