
SAIF Corporation declares a $60 million dividend to policy holders in Oregon

EPB&B is pleased to share the following press release from our professional Workers’ Compensation partner, SAIF Corporation. For the past twenty years a member of EPB&B has served on the SAIF agency council and it continues to be our privilege to work with a company that cares about their customers and the health and safety of Oregon workers .

SAIF declares $60 million dividend

SAIF’s board of directors has announced a $60 million dividend for its policyholders today. This continues a 15-year tradition of providing dividends, marking the 27th instance since 1990.

SAIF stands out as one of the few insurance providers in Oregon that consistently returns dividends to its customers. As a not-for-profit company with a public mission to make workers’ compensation coverage available, affordable, and accessible, it’s an important part of our value to policyholders.

The decision to issue a policyholder dividend is based on various factors, including capital levels, claim trends, and the overall economic conditions.

SAIF’s robust financial health, successful claims management, and effective safety and health services enable us to offer this year’s dividend.

This year, 51,288 policyholders will receive the dividend, which will be calculated based on the premium for policies that ended in 2023 and will be distributed in October. 

About SAIF

SAIF is Oregon’s not-for-profit workers’ compensation insurance company. For more than 110 years, we’ve been taking care of injured workers, helping people get back to work, and striving to make Oregon the safest and healthiest place to work. For more information, visit the About SAIF page on saif.com.

Contact the team at EPB&B and we will help you find the right Workers’ Compensation plan to fit your business.

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